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Category: Change Management

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Finding the leverage points is the key for quick and substantial improvements

System thinking teaches us that focusing on a few leverages points, we are able to create a big impact in our organization faster. The different between leverage points and other improvement initiatives is that leverage points attack problem root causes rather…

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Turnaround way of thinking: Turnaround vs. no-turnaround management

Many people think that a good manager could perform a turnaround project, but in reality among other abilities they need to know turnaround technique or way of thinking. For example, many people who do not have experience in turnaround think that…

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Why do we need a specialized Turnaround Team?

One of the most common reasons to need a turnaround situation is ineffective management. Usually the people who create the problems, they do not know how to solve them. Many people think that just changing the Managing Director is enough to…

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