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Month: July 2013

Core Business Types 350x200

Strategic Focus: Core Business Types

Infrastructure management and customer relationship management are based on volume (economies of scale and economies of scope). So consolidation of a few big players would be a consequence to create the necessary volume to compete in those core businesses. It is…

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20-70-10 Rule Defining good and poor performers 350x200

Creative Destruction in Human Resources: Creating High Performance Teams with the 20–70–10 Rule

We should ask ourselves a few key questions in order to know if the tool is adding value or not to our organization: Can our companies allow itself to maintain poor performers? Nowadays markets globalization, weaker economic drivers, intense competition, product…

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Firm Failed 350x200

Why Do Firms Fail in Emerging Markets?

It is well accepted that emerging markets like BRIC countries represent a huge present and future opportunity for growing the business. Thus, many companies are entering into those markets. Unfortunately, not all organizations are able to show off that they are…

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