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Year: 2015

Growth Strategy 350x200

Do You Really Have a Business Growth Strategy? The Growth Strategy Matrix

1. Beat the market: This is the objective of many firms. You have likely heard comments like “we need very profitable sales growth.” However, beating the market as Zara/Inditex is doing in the apparel business quarter by quarter is not an…

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Adapted from Peter Drucker Defining the board and management responsabiities 350x200

Business Alignment: When Board Is Misaligned with Management

How board and management misalignment used to happen? Most of the time a board member does not understand his role. In this situation that member used to implement what we could call “micro-management.” That is entering in the tactical planning and…

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Internal Team Members Profile 350x200

Turnaround Team: Building the Internal Team

To avoid misunderstandings, we have to explain better the point of report the mistakes of other people. In some activities like turnaround, reporting mistakes is important in order to explain why we must change and being able to track the benefits…

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Budget alignment example 350x200

Annual Budget: Are You Using Budget As a Real Strategic Execution Tool?

People and structure must be reviewed In many companies the people review process leading for Human Resources is not 100% connected with the budget process. Probably because there are still companies that in their understanding budget process is a “pure financial”…

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