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Tag: mission

Adapted from Peter Drucker Defining the board and management responsabiities 350x200

Business Alignment: When Board Is Misaligned with Management

How board and management misalignment used to happen? Most of the time a board member does not understand his role. In this situation that member used to implement what we could call “micro-management.” That is entering in the tactical planning and…

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Budget alignment example 350x200

Annual Budget: Are You Using Budget As a Real Strategic Execution Tool?

People and structure must be reviewed In many companies the people review process leading for Human Resources is not 100% connected with the budget process. Probably because there are still companies that in their understanding budget process is a “pure financial”…

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Strategic Initiatives Template 350x200

From Strategy to Execution: Strategic Themes and Initiatives

We have to stress two concepts from the turnaround point of view. Strategic themes is an important concept because means identified the key process, I mean the leverage process that are going to produce the expected turnaround results. The second concept…

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Mission Definition Adapted from Derek F Abell and Nigel F Piercy and Neil A. Morgan 350x200

Mission: Business Strategy Focus On Turnaround Processes

Mission: If we ask the Managing Committee the six basic questions for Mission Definition (and the answers match with the reality), we would probably discover any of the following problems: Market: Selling to companies of many different industries, sizes, and so…

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Sales orders cancellation and or postponement system impact 350x200

System Thinking and Shared Vision pillars in the Turnaround Change Management process

Therefore, system thinking is important but additionally we need a shared vision. Problems could be solved using different ways, but companies need a clear shared vision in order not to neutralize actions of one department with other. For example, let imagine…

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