As Jay Conrad Levinson said in his book Guerrilla Marketing “failure to upgrade your marketing effort is a symptom of corporate demise.” Many firms need to revitalize or even turnaround their growth strategy. Nevertheless, without a marketing transformation or deep review,…
The Best B2B Sales Transformation Methodologies and Books
Is your sales organization using the full potential of the available sales approaches? In our experience many companies are using the potential of 20th century approaches as Solution Selling. Nevertheless, there are still many organizations that they have no updated their…
How to Make Any Project or Initiative Work: The 10 Prerequisites for Change and Transformation
The 10 Prerequisites for change and transformation Let’s review briefly any step of this framework adapted from HP way, Barry Newland “The four prerequisites for change” and completed with ideas of other relevant authors like John P. Kotter or Richard Bevan….
Is It Time to Review Your Business Model?
We are going to review quickly a few examples of how all of those seven types of business without any exception are being already challenge. This could create an important stream of turnarounds, if companies do not transform themselves before: 1….
Is Your B2B Firm Struggling to Grow Sales? Sales Transformation
REFRAME Sales Leadership: Coaching the sales manager about how to lead the sales team. Tools: monthly sales meetings, monthly one to one review meetings, working in the field, etc. Strategic focus: Reframing the sales strategy. Tools: market segmentation, strategic account targeting,…
Sales Efficient Supply Chain Management (SESCM): A Success Foundation for a Business Model
In turnaround situations, we used to find uncoordinated Sales and SCM areas which blame to each other. Implementing SESCM strategy is not an easy job, but these initiatives can really turnaround the firm performance and profitability. Exploring lean techniques is a…
Do You Really Have a Business Growth Strategy? The Growth Strategy Matrix
1. Beat the market: This is the objective of many firms. You have likely heard comments like “we need very profitable sales growth.” However, beating the market as Zara/Inditex is doing in the apparel business quarter by quarter is not an…
Business Alignment: When Board Is Misaligned with Management
How board and management misalignment used to happen? Most of the time a board member does not understand his role. In this situation that member used to implement what we could call “micro-management.” That is entering in the tactical planning and…
Turnaround Team: Building the Internal Team
To avoid misunderstandings, we have to explain better the point of report the mistakes of other people. In some activities like turnaround, reporting mistakes is important in order to explain why we must change and being able to track the benefits…
Annual Budget: Are You Using Budget As a Real Strategic Execution Tool?
People and structure must be reviewed In many companies the people review process leading for Human Resources is not 100% connected with the budget process. Probably because there are still companies that in their understanding budget process is a “pure financial”…