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Author: Javier Gonzalez Montane

What is a core competency 350x200

What Are Our Core Competencies? Improving Business Focus

If any of these questions has a negative answer, we must consider outsourcing that activity. Any activity that is not a core competency should be analyzed the convenience to outsource. Some activities of the supply chain are core competencies and source…

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Sales department staff classification Farmers - Hunters - and Soldiers 350x200

Sales Department Analysis (B2B)

A few common mistakes in sales departments regarding staff profile Not having Farmers: So not having customer loyalty strategy or not properly implemented. Having Farmers but manage everybody as Hunters or Soldiers: In this case probably we are not taking advantage of…

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superheros 350x200

Unconventional Leadership Characteristics in Turnaround

Donald B. Bibeault in his best-selling turnaround book offers us a reflexion: “We used to assume that the best managers are those whose people are happy, that happiness comes from encouragement and praise, and those consistent demands for better performance are…

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Source Rue & Byars Contingency approach to leadership 350x200

Leadership in Turnaround

Fiedler’s contingency study of leadership shows that in both highly favorable and highly unfavorable situations, a task-motivated leader was found to be more effective than the relationship-motivated leader that was found to be more effective in just moderately favorable situations. The transformational…

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The Improvements Phases in a Firm 350x200

Company Improvement Phases: How Do We Accelerate Improvements?

This classification has been widely used (Gartner, PRTM, SCOR, APICS, and so on) but most of the time the improvements have been related to the IT status of the organization, and now we are trying to briefly analyze that classification from turnaround,…

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Source HP way Barry Newland The four prerequisites for change 350x200

Prerequisites for Change and Success

I am sure that many people have any time questioned themselves “Why do we fail in a project?” With the simple but powerful framework regarding the prerequisite for Change (elaborated by HP), you can easily answer that question. Moreover, even you…

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The Three Levels of Strategy

Are We Misunderstanding the Three Strategic Levels?

Common mistakes defining strategies Corporate Strategy: There are some firms that create the corporate strategy but they do not drill down to the other strategic levels. If we do not cover the three levels, most likely execution will fail. We can…

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Strategic Initiatives Template 350x200

From Strategy to Execution: Strategic Themes and Initiatives

We have to stress two concepts from the turnaround point of view. Strategic themes is an important concept because means identified the key process, I mean the leverage process that are going to produce the expected turnaround results. The second concept…

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Mission Definition Adapted from Derek F Abell and Nigel F Piercy and Neil A. Morgan 350x200

Mission: Business Strategy Focus On Turnaround Processes

Mission: If we ask the Managing Committee the six basic questions for Mission Definition (and the answers match with the reality), we would probably discover any of the following problems: Market: Selling to companies of many different industries, sizes, and so…

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Supply Chain and Manufacturing Strategies Aligning functional strategies adapted from Martin Christopher 350x200

Supply Chain, Manufacturing and Marketing/Sales Strategies Alignment

The two other supply chains and manufacturing strategies related to make-to-order Engineer-to order: Customers’ orders will require of engineering specific designs. So inventory “cannot be built” until the sales order is not received, and the design needs are known. Assemble-to-order: Compare…

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