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Category: Change Management

Turnaround Bunker Department Approach 350x200

Where Should We Start in Turnaround? The “Bunker” Concept

So if we agree to use the “bunker approach,” we must decide what it is the department in which we are creating the “bunker.” I suggest using supply chain or finance as a “bunker department” because those areas have strong links…

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Cost Volume Profit Analysis

Should We Push Sales Importantly in the Middle of Turnaround Processes?

Moreover, we have to highlight that growth need an additional investment/capital. Thus, for increasing sales importantly we need an additional capital needs to create stock, more production capacity, finance customer days of payment, and so on. Usually in turnaround project we…

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superheros 350x200

Unconventional Leadership Characteristics in Turnaround

Donald B. Bibeault in his best-selling turnaround book offers us a reflexion: “We used to assume that the best managers are those whose people are happy, that happiness comes from encouragement and praise, and those consistent demands for better performance are…

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Source Rue & Byars Contingency approach to leadership 350x200

Leadership in Turnaround

Fiedler’s contingency study of leadership shows that in both highly favorable and highly unfavorable situations, a task-motivated leader was found to be more effective than the relationship-motivated leader that was found to be more effective in just moderately favorable situations. The transformational…

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The Improvements Phases in a Firm 350x200

Company Improvement Phases: How Do We Accelerate Improvements?

This classification has been widely used (Gartner, PRTM, SCOR, APICS, and so on) but most of the time the improvements have been related to the IT status of the organization, and now we are trying to briefly analyze that classification from turnaround,…

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Source HP way Barry Newland The four prerequisites for change 350x200

Prerequisites for Change and Success

I am sure that many people have any time questioned themselves “Why do we fail in a project?” With the simple but powerful framework regarding the prerequisite for Change (elaborated by HP), you can easily answer that question. Moreover, even you…

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Adapted from Star Model (Jay Galbraith) and 7S Framework (Robert H. Waterman and Tom Perters) 350x200

A Framework to Asses and Monitor Turnaround Processes

Strategy: What is the formula for success? How do we differentiate ourselves from our competitors? What are the organizational drivers? Structure: How are we organized? What are the key roles? How is the work managed? Who has power and authority? System/Processes:…

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Time for Turnaround v2

Time for Turnaround: Why does the turnaround decision use to be delayed?

Many times CEOs used to protect their management responsibility delaying turnaround with different “strategies”: Arguing that is a conjectural stage Arguing that is a marketplace situation Using “accounting engineering” to cover the problem during some while Recognizing that a company has…

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Sales orders cancellation and or postponement system impact 350x200

System Thinking and Shared Vision pillars in the Turnaround Change Management process

Therefore, system thinking is important but additionally we need a shared vision. Problems could be solved using different ways, but companies need a clear shared vision in order not to neutralize actions of one department with other. For example, let imagine…

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