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Category: Strategy

Core Business Types 350x200

Strategic Focus: Core Business Types

Infrastructure management and customer relationship management are based on volume (economies of scale and economies of scope). So consolidation of a few big players would be a consequence to create the necessary volume to compete in those core businesses. It is…

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20-70-10 Rule Defining good and poor performers 350x200

Creative Destruction in Human Resources: Creating High Performance Teams with the 20–70–10 Rule

We should ask ourselves a few key questions in order to know if the tool is adding value or not to our organization: Can our companies allow itself to maintain poor performers? Nowadays markets globalization, weaker economic drivers, intense competition, product…

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Firm Failed 350x200

Why Do Firms Fail in Emerging Markets?

It is well accepted that emerging markets like BRIC countries represent a huge present and future opportunity for growing the business. Thus, many companies are entering into those markets. Unfortunately, not all organizations are able to show off that they are…

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Decision Styles Adapted from Marcia W. Blenko, Paul Rogers and Patrick Litre 350x200

How Does Top Management Make Decisions?

Bain & Company explains that participative styles improves decision quality because takes advantage from collaborative styles that at the same time get employees engagement via participation. Additionally the decision-making process is accelerated because just one person takes responsibility for each decision…

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Moderm Value Chain 350X200

From Value Chain and Processes to Strategy Execution

Primary processes (CRM and SCM) must be managed with a holistic approach: Those processes involve: different activities, value deployment, people management, and so on. Many initiatives are going to be launched from these processes involving other areas. This does not mean…

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street sign 350x200

Accounting Roadmap for Turnaround

Accounting discipline offers us a roadmap for turnaround. I mean accounting provisions offers us a checklist about company risks. When we are talking about turnaround one of the first things to do is checking the status of the provisions and be…

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Outsourcing Advantages 350x200

When Should We Outsource Activities?

The big disadvantage of outsourcing that used to be mentioned is the “loss of control”. Although with the information systems that today are in place, and managing properly the relationship with the outsourced firm by having regular meeting and conference calls,…

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Classifying Team Members 350x200

Creating High Performance Teams

Question marks Those people do not have the capability to vision, neither to execute according to their current position for the project/department/firm. Many teams underperform because they have a few questions marks; they are not able to move them to other…

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What is a core competency 350x200

What Are Our Core Competencies? Improving Business Focus

If any of these questions has a negative answer, we must consider outsourcing that activity. Any activity that is not a core competency should be analyzed the convenience to outsource. Some activities of the supply chain are core competencies and source…

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Sales department staff classification Farmers - Hunters - and Soldiers 350x200

Sales Department Analysis (B2B)

A few common mistakes in sales departments regarding staff profile Not having Farmers: So not having customer loyalty strategy or not properly implemented. Having Farmers but manage everybody as Hunters or Soldiers: In this case probably we are not taking advantage of…

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