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Tag: culturemanagement

HOW TO MAKE ANY PROJECT OR INICIATIVE WORK The 10 Prerequisites for Change and Transformation 350x200

How to Make Any Project or Initiative Work: The 10 Prerequisites for Change and Transformation

The 10 Prerequisites for change and transformation Let’s review briefly any step of this framework adapted from HP way, Barry Newland “The four prerequisites for change” and completed with ideas of other relevant authors like John P. Kotter or Richard Bevan….

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Internal Team Members Profile 350x200

Turnaround Team: Building the Internal Team

To avoid misunderstandings, we have to explain better the point of report the mistakes of other people. In some activities like turnaround, reporting mistakes is important in order to explain why we must change and being able to track the benefits…

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Businessman word

Human Resources Myopic: How Firms Are Losing the Human Capital Battle

In 2014 the Spanish football league champion has been Atletico de Madrid. How is a club with just the 30% of the budget of Real Madrid and Barcelona able to over perform those huge teams? The answer could be playing like…

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Turnaround Bunker Department Approach 350x200

Where Should We Start in Turnaround? The “Bunker” Concept

So if we agree to use the “bunker approach,” we must decide what it is the department in which we are creating the “bunker.” I suggest using supply chain or finance as a “bunker department” because those areas have strong links…

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20-70-10 Rule Defining good and poor performers 350x200

Creative Destruction in Human Resources: Creating High Performance Teams with the 20–70–10 Rule

We should ask ourselves a few key questions in order to know if the tool is adding value or not to our organization: Can our companies allow itself to maintain poor performers? Nowadays markets globalization, weaker economic drivers, intense competition, product…

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Decision Styles Adapted from Marcia W. Blenko, Paul Rogers and Patrick Litre 350x200

How Does Top Management Make Decisions?

Bain & Company explains that participative styles improves decision quality because takes advantage from collaborative styles that at the same time get employees engagement via participation. Additionally the decision-making process is accelerated because just one person takes responsibility for each decision…

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Classifying Team Members 350x200

Creating High Performance Teams

Question marks Those people do not have the capability to vision, neither to execute according to their current position for the project/department/firm. Many teams underperform because they have a few questions marks; they are not able to move them to other…

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The Improvements Phases in a Firm 350x200

Company Improvement Phases: How Do We Accelerate Improvements?

This classification has been widely used (Gartner, PRTM, SCOR, APICS, and so on) but most of the time the improvements have been related to the IT status of the organization, and now we are trying to briefly analyze that classification from turnaround,…

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Source HP way Barry Newland The four prerequisites for change 350x200

Prerequisites for Change and Success

I am sure that many people have any time questioned themselves “Why do we fail in a project?” With the simple but powerful framework regarding the prerequisite for Change (elaborated by HP), you can easily answer that question. Moreover, even you…

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Sales orders cancellation and or postponement system impact 350x200

System Thinking and Shared Vision pillars in the Turnaround Change Management process

Therefore, system thinking is important but additionally we need a shared vision. Problems could be solved using different ways, but companies need a clear shared vision in order not to neutralize actions of one department with other. For example, let imagine…

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